Audible Phenomena: Any type of phenomena that are heard - these will include typical phenomena such as footsteps, doors opening and closing away from view, voices and vehicular noises.
Unusual Feelings: The sensation of being watched or being overcome by emotions.
Kinetic Phenomena: The movement of objects, such as ornaments, windows or doors.
Olfactory Phenomena: Unaccountable smells, ranging from the pleasant aroma of flowers to the unpleasant smell of decay and rotting flesh.
Tactile Phenomena: Any sensation of being touched or the experience of changes in temperature.
Taste Phenomena: The experience of sampling something in the mouth without anything being there. An unusual and rare occurrence.
Visual Phenomena: Any type of apparition seen by a witness - these will be far ranging and include those of a human likeness, to animals, vehicles, buildings to other inanimate objects and mists or shadowy forms.