According to the author Coxe in 'Haunted Britain', Netley Abbey ‘abounds with legends’, includes stories of buried treasure, ghosts and a subterranean passage. There was a military chapel here at one time during its history. Consequently, the figure of a nurse has been sighted. Some have stated that this is the ghost of none other than Florence Nightingale. Naturally, one would expect phantom monks to frequent the ruins. Two have been reported - a monk who is seen as a white figure; the second is said to be a former abbot who appears as a dark figure.
According to the author John Mason, visitors have reported suuden temperature drops and cold spots whilst walking the ruins.
However, by far the most disturbing story associated with the abbey is that of the secret tunnel and that the abbey was cursed following the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
On an unknown date, a builder or possible treasure-hunter named Slown, who was working in company with a labourer, was undertaking some sort of work. Slown stumbled upon an underground passage, and decided to see what was inside. It is believed that he stumbled upon something so awful, he was frightened to death. According to accounts, his last words as he ran from his discovery were, ‘Block it up! In the name of God!’
Abbey Hill,
SO31 5FB.
For further information, please read Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe; Haunted Heritage by John Mason and Haunted Britain and Ireland by Richard Jones.